Down in Nana's Garden

PictureIs that a really small Sheep or a really big Frog?
So this week we have been visiting Birmingham to lend a hand to a recuperating Nana following some recent surgery. Now, Birmingham isn't the first place you might think of when you imagine a wildlife haven but, if you venture down to the bottom of Nana's garden you never know what you might find! 
 Though some of the pictures in this blog entry were not actually taken during my visit, they are genuine visitors to Nans's Garden! Who'd have thunk that you could get such variety in a suburban back garden, It goes to show just how important our back gardens can be in fight to preserve our Native wildlife.

Of course, nature needs a little help sometimes and by providing all the little mini beast with a place to shelter and hide, perhaps something like the little mini beast hotel in picture below. These kind of homes and and hides can encourage them to visit and our gardens which in turn encourages slightly larger critters, like the hedgehog that was snapped walking up the garden path in the late spring of this year.

There is also a regular visitor to Nana's garden, and though robin's are a fairly common sight to out British gardens this little chap looks a little different, sporting a unusual flash of white feathers on each wing. 
Highlighted : Robin on a Fence
But you don't have to give your whole garden up to get the wildlife to come...just letting a small patch of garden do what ever it wants to will provide food and hiding places for the many species that can be found in our urban gardens. Put up a bird feeder, let your grass grow, leave that bit of wood to rot at the bottom of the garden, even just letting the weeds grow can bring in new visitors. 
Premier Bug Lodge
Though some visitors may not take up a permanent residence in your garden, you mind find plenty will find safe passage through your little of Eden, Just like the little hopper that you should be able to spot in this picture if you look really carefully. 
Spot The Hopper
I think maybe we should get the Brownies on board with this.....

So go on...why not build your wildlife half way the words of the RSPB... 
if you build it, they will come.

Little Patch of Eden

Anonymous Gifts. 

So it was the first night back Brownies this week after the long summer holidays and the Girls were absolutely buzzing about their garden...though admittedly they seemed a little more interested in all the bugs they could find. It seems we have a real mini beast haven thriving in our little corner of St Matthews Church Garden.

But what i really want talk about today is how a little hard work and dedictaion, Good deeds can be noticed and appreciated by so many people. When my mum arrived at brownies last night she was greeted by one of the guiding leaders with a huge smile and small packet of seeds. 

Now you may be thinking...'what's so exciting about a small packet of seeds?'...Well, the best thing about these seeds is that they were donated as a gift by an anonymous passer by that appreciated how pretty the Brownie Garden was looking! :0) 

Doesn't that just make all the effort of weeding and watering all the more worth while? Hopefully, come early summer i will be able to put a picture up here of lots of purple/blue cornflower blooming happily in the sunshine. 

So to out anonymous benefactor, thank you very much for your donation. It is greatly appreciated!